How to remove the block from Plannex Excel Tool

How to remove the block from Plannex Excel Tool

How to remove the block from Plannex Excel Tool

If you download Plannex Excel Tool you could see message showing that the Micro has been blocked.

An Excel file may be blocked when downloaded from the Internet because it is flagged as potentially unsafe by WindowsThis is a security feature that prevents malicious code from running on your computer.

To unblock an Excel file, you can do one of the following:

if you get error message 1004, kindly check this post Error 1004- while using Plannex Tool

12 Responses

  1. Hello Sir,
    I am trying to install the Plannex tool on my system but I am receiving the following message (Run-time error ‘1004’, Method name method of classname class failed. I have tried your instruction for Error-1004 but still not working.

  2. Hello Eng. Mohamed,
    I have an error message “automation error” however i tried the region and checking add in solutions as clarified in the Video, what may be the error then?

  3. this expected due to the nature of the VBA code, I can confirm the file is save, just mark it as safe file.

  4. Dear Mohammed, I am not able to run

    Today i have purchased and micros not working i have according to your video, but the message is

    “Can not run the micro “Plannex tools_ 8.02_x64.xlsm! save as addin” this micro may not be available in this workbook.

    Even though it was quite difficult to download and run in the system my firewall showing Virus in this file. Could you please advise me i am using office 365 licensed version.

  5. while installing the plannex tool i receive the following message, please guide me.

    ((Cannot run the macro ‘plannex tool-8.02_x64.xlsm’!SaveAsAddIn’. The macro may not be available in this workbook or all macros may be disabled.

  6. Bitdefender Quarantines Plannex on unZipping

    The file C:\Users\bryan\OneDrive\4 Plan Documents\12 Software\Planning Software\plannex-tool-8.03\plannex tool-8.03_x32.xlsm=>xl/vbaProject.bin is infected with VBA:Logan.19258 and was moved to quarantine. It is recommended that you run a System Scan to make sure your system is clean.

  7. I understand your concern, But I can confirm the file is save, just the VBA and the security measure we toke could lead this this warning.

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