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plannex toll -error 1004

Error 1004- while using Plannex Tool

Since the first day of releasing Plannex Tool in Nov-2021  and we have been receiving many emails about the famous error -1004 while they use Plannex tool.

we instruct them to follow specific steps to solve this issue, and now we think it will be better if we made a post explaining the process for any one who has the same issue.


So mainly this issue happen to who use “;” as a separator for the formula term  rather than “,”.

To solve this follow the following steps :

1- Open the “Control Panel “

2-Select “Region”


3-Select “additional setting” on the bottom right.



4- Select from “list separator” the “,” rather than “;”


5-Select Apply 


6-Better to restart the Excell File and try again Plannex Tool.


I hope this will solve the issue for you.

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